Enum TorrentState
The torrent state.
Namespace: QBittorrent.Client
Assembly: QBittorrent.Client.dll
public enum TorrentState
Name | Description |
Allocating | Allocating space on disk |
CheckingDownload | Torrent is being checked |
CheckingResumeData | Resume data is being checked |
CheckingUpload | Torrent has finished downloading and is being checked; this status also applies to preallocation (if enabled) and checking resume data on qBt startup |
Downloading | Torrent is being downloaded and data is being transferred |
Error | Some error occurred, applies to paused torrents |
FetchingMetadata | Torrent has just started downloading and is fetching metadata |
ForcedDownload | |
ForcedFetchingMetadata | Torrent has just started downloading and is fetching metadata |
ForcedUpload | |
MissingFiles | The files are missing |
Moving | Data is being moved from the temporary folder |
PausedDownload | Torrent is paused and has NOT finished downloading |
PausedUpload | Torrent is paused and has finished downloading |
QueuedDownload | Queuing is enabled and torrent is queued for download |
QueuedForChecking | Queued for checking |
QueuedUpload | Queuing is enabled and torrent is queued for upload |
StalledDownload | Torrent is being downloaded, but no connection were made |
StalledUpload | Torrent is being seeded, but no connection were made |
Unknown | Unknown |
Uploading | Torrent is being seeded and data is being transferred |